Helping you win.

Vayam Global provides software solutions, training and engineering services, to help you win. We are experts in subtractive, additive and hybrid manufacturing. We do our jobs with passion and integrity, so that you are assured of nothing but success, when you work with us.

First time right.

Most manufacturing organisations are aware of the cascading costs, when parts aren’t being machined. Nearly all machining delays can be attributed to improper planning. Our team ensures that the manufacturing plan is whetted and fleshed out, even before the first cut is taken. Alongside of proper, planning, precise communication with the various stakeholders is also a major necessity, which our engineers understand very well.
Our experts ensure that best practices from our wide experiences, result in our work being first time right.


The team at Vayam Global are resourceful, flexible and innovative. No task is too big, no job is too small. Applying cross-industry knowledge, is what keeps us going.

Our engineers work as an extension of your own company, products and processes. Most places, we have earned the title of “Employees in absence”, ensuring that our customer ethos, culture and products are held in respect by the various stakeholders, we network with, while working with you.


Office: 00 91 986 00 97 460
[email protected]


104, Tower 1, World Trade Centre, Kharadi, Pune 411 014 MH India

